@“JimmyQ”#p2335 I understand. I assume your user base is located in China. It is known that Chinese forums have a slower connection, because the server is located in Europe - which results in the lag.
I unfortunately can’t do anything to properly fix this. Some options include using an extension that prevents double posting, or implementing a rate limit. However both options come with side effects (for example, it wouldn’t distinguish between accidental and intended requests).
What you can theoretically do is put your forum behind a CDN to speed things up a bit. If you are using the default .flarum.cloud or .freeflarum.com domains, then your forum is already behind Cloudflare. Custom domains lose this proxy, so if you use a different domain, you have to setup your own CDN. Some Chinese forums function this way with minimal issues, from what I’ve heard - however, this approach is not officially supported by FreeFlarum, and I can’t help you if something goes wrong.
Of course, the absolutely best solution would be to migrate your forum to a server closer to your location, which would make the ping much better. This is out of FreeFlarum’s scope, though.