Spez When I access https://gacon.freeflarum.com, I get a pure white error like this. I turned off the fof nightmode extension and the website shows this error. Please help me see where the error is. Thank you very much.
SKevo Spez I can access the forum without issues now. Does the issue still persist? Or does it happen only when FoF Nightmode is turned off?
SKevo Spez you said: Spez turned off the fof nightmode extension and the website shows this error. Is FoF Nightnode off or on now? Did that cause the issue? FYI it might’ve also been a cache issue that went away now
Spez SKevo Last night it crashed and I went to sleep. I woke up and saw that the forum was accessible normally. I also don’t know why it stopped erroring. Thank you for your support.