14569 I currently know just as much as you do, unfortunately. The fact that only a few people can’t access it, but the rest can, makes it very hard to debug properly.
Kotoki I met the same problem. Accessing forums using flarum.cloud as the domain name in mainland China will be refused, while there’s nothing wrong with accessing forums whose domain name is freeflarum.com.
I changed my IP and when my IP is changed, I can access them.
Thank you for your input! If I had to guess, I would say that either Cloudflare has some kind of temporary outage or the flarum.cloud domain was blocked in China.
The most I can do is investigate server logs for clues about whether this might be happening, however if it was caused by something other than FreeFlarum itself, I unfortunately can’t do much about it. I will proceed to check the server logs now, and let you guys know if I found anything