• Issue
  • Improved Use of Alternative Voting Layout in Posts (RTL)

My forum URL is https://foro.arsoporte.com
[FoF Gamification]


Hope you are all well

Following up on the RTL formatting issues, when I enable the alternative voting layout feature in posts, I get an error formatting the discussions, so that some containers appear on top of each other:

The ones that appear on the left, I think they are supposed to appear on the right below the user’s picture.

In addition, for some programming reason, the alternative voting layout cannot be used in posts, in other words, they are not clickable.

Note that the problem also appears on the home page if the feature is selected to appear on the All Discussions page.


Can you help me please? Thank you very much.

  • Spez replied to this.

    I have disabled these features for now due to the weekend for you, I will re-enable them on Monday or as soon as help is available.
    Reason: To avoid confusing the feature’s appearance for readers
    Best regards

    Hi Spez
    Thanks so much for sharing this.

    I find the support I’m looking for here, and I post there when it’s relevant.

    As for the post you shared with me, it seems like it was last active 2 years ago, but I’ll try to point out some issues I’ll run into in the future there.

    Thanks so much

      medelinor Spez is right that FreeFlarum can’t keep helping you with this. I did provide you with some fixes in my spare time and submitted a PR for the RTL extension that uses these fixes, however I can’t keep fixing issues with the RTL layout indefinitely for a software that I don’t even maintain. There are the official Flarum forums for that purpose, so please consult your Flarum-related issues there.

        Hi SKevo
        Thanks for pointing this out

        I know your job doesn’t require you to help me, and I appreciate your time.

        Because it’s really the atmosphere of this forum and the help I get from you that encourages me more to take care of people in my forum.

        I’ll try to share the extension issues on the link that Spez shared with me.

        Thank you all

        [unknown] I understand your concern. On the other hand, some of the Flarum developers have very limited availability, and we have to respect that. If the extension is truly inactive, then perhaps someone else in the Flarum community would be interested in maintaining the codebase (in that case, you could create a new discussion in the appropriate tags at the Flarum forum)? Point is, the maintainer can’t be me - sorry.

        [unknown] The rtl community out there is the official Flarum forum (discuss.flarum.org). What I mean is that he could have posted the discussion on the flarum.org forum to seek help rather than posting here. The Flarum community is definitely bigger than Freeflarum. The link I sent him is where he can report errors to the author of this Ext. I use google translate

        I have no problem looking for help elsewhere, there was a reply explaining this point.

        I’m saying, the forum you’re talking about is primarily for Flaroom users, and I use Free Flaroom. Isn’t this the Free Flaroom help forum?

        Actually, I didn’t expect things to get this far, I was just looking for help from time to time to benefit myself and others who use this extension.

        Since it’s just that I can’t get help here, as you can see, I haven’t posted anything here since this post even though I still need help using Free Flaroom.

        Thanks again

          medelinor I’m saying, the forum you’re talking about is primarily for Flaroom users, and I use Free Flaroom. Isn’t this the Free Flaroom help forum?

          It appears that there is a misunderstanding. As you might already know, Flarum and FreeFlarum are two separate projects. This means that Flarum has it’s own support forum at https://discuss.flarum.org, for things that are purely related to Flarum. For example, things related to extensions and bugs in them, themes, how to do X etc…
          This forum is purely intended for discussing matters related to the hosting aspect of FreeFlarum. For example, forum is not accessible/crashes, how to link custom domain, etc…

          I am sorry if I made an impression that I can fix the RTL layout for every single extension that is available at FreeFlarum. Flarum forum has an entire community of Flarum enthusiast behind it who can help you, while on this forum, it is just me with my limited understanding of Flarum’s codebase (I don’t maintain the software, therefore I don’t even know whether my layout won’t break something else, etc.). In other words, this support forum can’t replace the purpose of the already existing Flarum forum. I hope this makes sense.

          [unknown] good job on coming up with an alternative RTL layout that already seems to do everything the current RTL extension does! Care to share it at https://discuss.flarum.org, to gather feedback and possible improvements for your code? In my opinion, sharing your accomplishments there without actually showing any code or steps on how to replicate your layout to help @medelinor is not very productive.

          [unknown] I remember your subsequent response was outright rejecting my shared perspective, then locking the thread.

          First of all, I can obviously lock topics that do not add anything of value to the discussion or the original problem. This is a support forum, not drama exchange. But since you have made multiple posts that deserve a proper explanation not just for you, but also for the confused members of this forum that had to witness these posts (which is also another reason why I lock the threads or remove the posts before the discussion grows into something that does not even remotely resemble the original topic), I’ll make an exception this one time and address what I think are just your misconceptions:

          [unknown] Ok, so you will surely recall several days ago, in response to a similar suggestion you’d proposed, I replied by vaguely alluding to the fact of my not being welcome at the “support” forum.

          Yes, I do remember. And yes, I do find it strange why would you say that “you’re not welcome there”. If you were banned, then there surely was some reason for that. However, if it’s just your assumption, then I hope that you’re wrong. Point is, going on this forum to point out that you’re not welcome on another is not very polite and I chose to ignore discussing that any further.

          [unknown] I wasn’t trying to force you to believe my words and neither did I bother demonstrating evidence for such, primarily due to having no logical reason for doing so.

          I agree. This is simply no place to discuss that.

          [unknown] I could provide this right now too, infact I was initially considering doing so, however instead I have chosen to refrain, though I will be happy to oblige if you’d prefer….(?)

          That contradicts our previous statements, so no, I can’t discuss that, sorry. This is something that you have to resolve on the communication channels of the other forum, and I hope you understand that.

          [unknown] Now I can appreciate that you don’t want to publicly discuss anything other than praise for your team

          I work on FreeFlarum alone and I am not a member of the Flarum team (which I assume you are referring to). Also, this is simply not true.

          [unknown] I am not the one who has repeatedly dragged the subject into every discussion.

          But you did? I locked the other discussion that went completely off-topic, but you flagged it - so, per the community guidelines of this forum, I re-opened it to give you a chance to add something of value to the discussion (which didn’t happen). I also consistently chose to ignore all the other off-topic posts that you made, including the one where you criticised the lack of my English communication skills - and let’s just admit that it is kind of rude to suddenly make discussions personal without seemingly any reason, don’t you think?

          [unknown] Or are we not allowed to utilize FreeFlarum on it’s own? Does everything have to always involve or in some way relate to your team as well?

          You obviously can utilize FreeFlarum on your own. I do not recall being involved in everything that happens on everyone’s forums, which I assume you are implying there - if you aren’t, then I apologize for assuming that.

          [unknown] Regarding your statement of supposed unproductivity.
          Perhaps you are right….or perhaps it would be prudent to consider doing a little more research prior to making such….😏lazy assertions.

          What was there to research? It is simple: this discussion should have been locked after the first 3 posts. All of the other ones are unnecessary and do not solve the original problem in any way. It is clearly unproductive.

          As for @medelinor and everyone else reading this, I am very sorry that you have to witness the original topic of this discussion being discussed like this.

          Hello all my friends

          I feel sorry that because of me, things have reached this point, where the discussion has gone off topic.

          It seems that this conversation has taken a lot of effort and time from all of you, and I would not like to see the topic take more of your time than it deserves, and waste your time.

          Thank you very much for your interest and patience

            medelinor no need to apologize. Because I see that the thread was now moved to discuss.flarum.org, I will be locking this discussion now to prevent any further off-topic discussion. For private inquiries or anything off-topic, please use the e-mail: info@freeflarum.com, so we don’t pollute public discussions.

            SKevo locked the discussion .